Friday, July 25, 2008

June Happenings

June was a very busy month for us! We have a bunch of birthdays in the family and the first week of June was the last week of school. Here are a few pictures from our month. The first is at Four Star Pizza. We had a family outing one night and took a walk to downtown Grove City. They have a Chuck E Cheese-like set up at Four Star where you play games for tickets and then get prizes. The kids had a blast, but to tell you the truth, a trip to the dollar store would have been cheaper for the prizes they got! And I have to say God held the rain 'til we walked home and were safe and sound. The storm that came within 15 minutes of us getting home was a wicked one!
The next picture is one of the "VanZandt cousins." Dessarae, our niece, was home briefly from North Carolina where she is stationed in the Marine Corps. So we had to take the opportunity for a picture!
The next day was the beginning of VBS at our church. The picture is of Nathaniel holding the prize he earned for saying verses.(Thanks, Aunt Mandy, for the cool tie-dyed shirts!) All the kids did very well that week learning Bible verses. I was so impressed!
Then three days later we had the girls dance recital. Kaity performed in ballet and acrobats. Elli's dance number was to "Animal Crackers" with a little bit of tap dancing thrown in! They did such a good job! After the recital we took a trip to Erie to go to a wedding reception for my cousin Sarah and her new husband, Joe. It was absolutely beautiful! What a witness their lives have been for others to see how to be a godly couple. May God continue to bless them and their marriage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u added musak! cool! u r a smart cookie! so, cute pictures! i laughed b/c we went to four star as well and i thought the exact same thing! but winning the prizes is much more fun, right? jeff can show you the secret for getting a TON onf tickets to get the bigger prizes.