We got to spend the day as a family at Day Camp this year! Friday is always family day...and water wars! So you have to go, knowing you'll get wet...unless you wear a big orange vest to let everyone know you're off limits! I had to wear one this year because of Alliyah... : )

The first station the boys went to was the fire hoses! The idea was to use the water to move the water jug down the rope to the other team's end. The boys got SOAKED! Kaity and Elli participated too...for a little while, but they didn't want to be up front and get totally soaked!

Here Zach is actually manning the hose, but you can't see him. Behind him is Nathaniel, Kaity and Elli. Kaity and Elli are trying to shield themselves from the blast! What a good big sister Kaity is!

This was the interesting creature we were greeted with at the bottle rocket station! At the end of the post is a little video of a launch!

Nathaniel trying his hand at a slingshot...under Daddy's watchful eye.

Zach's turn!

Kaity and Elli got to try too!

The kids got to pet baby chicks.

Then, back to the games! They had to soak a sponge then pass it to the back of the line over their heads, squeeze the sponge, pass it back up, etc. to see who could fill the bucket at the back of the line the fastest!

Their last station was a big water gun battle! The "forts" were pretty much destroyed by the time they got to this station, so it was everyone for themselves!

Daddy in action!

Nathaniel's sneak attack!
We had a great day! The weather was excellent! Hot and sunny! Perfect for Water Wars!
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