Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kaity's a decade old!

Kaity's been asking since before she turned 8 to have a sleepover party. I told her then when she turned 10, she could have one...those 2 years went by REALLY fast!!! SO here were are celebrating her 10th year (and yes, we all survived and even managed to get a little sleep...not a lot, but at least a little!)

Kaity and her friends before the festivities...missing from the picture, Annie.

Kaity and Makayla geared up for fun!

We started the evening off with a pinata!!!

It ended up coming off the plastic loop, so Daddy had to dump it! They all had fun batting at it!

Our 10 year old beauty!

Her princess cake!

Blowing out the 'em all! And before anyone could get a picture of her doing it!

Opening presents...

Gwen and Kaity

After most of the adults left (grandmas, papa's, aunt and uncle and all the boy cousins)
the girls decorated cupcakes~sometime around midnight!

The next morning they're all smiling...maybe a little sleepy, though!

Silly picture!!

The beautiful cupcakes!

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Double digits! Oh dear, how can it be! I do have a card made for her here, honest! I want to slip a little something in it, though, and things have been crazy here. I hope to get it to her this week.
