Alliyah has been such an added joy to our lives! She is adored by us all! Such a happy little girl, who shows her emotion so readily...usually with a squeal of delight! My sister-in-love, Mandy, recently posted on her family blog about being given something you didn't even know you wanted, in regards to her own 5 little's so true! Who knew I wanted 5 kids? Obviously our loving Father knew just how much I would treasure each one of them! His plan is always best! What joy we would have missed out on if we decided to intervene and stop at 4 children...

Lookin' cute after her that chubby little face!!

Sittin' in the highchair (the one I bought at a yard sale AFTER Elli was out of hers...'just in case' we had another baby!) eatin' crackers! YUMMY!