Monday, June 29, 2009

Father's Day


The reason for celebrating the day!
I definitely dropped the ball in planning ahead for this day. When I asked my Mom if she had anything planned for the day, she said "He's not my dad." Fair enough. That's true! So, we planned, in very short notice, a picnic at the park. (Thanks to my Mom!) For some reason, my Dad reminds me of Pa Grape in this hat. (Have to watch Veggie Tales to understand!)

Alliyah was ready to play! She's wearing an outfit that my Grandma Corbett made for me when I was little!

Monkey Annie! She can climb!

Elli swinging! And learning how to keep herself going!

Liah cuddling with Grandma ♥

Me trying to get a picture of Justus while holding him!

Annie and cousins!

Sam and cousins too! Trying to convince them they can't get married when they're older is difficult!

Jeffrey and Justus...waiting to eat!

After the meal, came the part I think the kids loved the best! We all walked to the pond and the kids tried to feed the fish and the geese. These are very well fed fish and geese...I'm not sure the kids even saw any fish and the geese were totally uninterested!

Still trying to feed the fish!

More studying the water for fish!

Zach posing with the fountain in the background.

Nathaniel and Austin found shells, stinky snail shells. (Some of the other kids found them too!) We tried to convince them to leave the shells there or the snails would be homeless...I think we actually succeeded! But not without them trying! (again and again!)

Sam and Nathaniel throwing rocks in the pond.

Papa and Caeden
(I think Caeden was voted 'most likely to fall in the water'...he just loved being close to it! Thank goodness he didn't fall in though!)

Liah posing...a future dancer?

We ended the evening taking a few pictures of the Dad's and their kids (or grandkids!)

Here's Jeff with his brood.
Annie, Austin, Samuel, Caeden and Justus

And Frank with his...
Kaitlyn, Zachariah, Nathaniel, Elliana, and Alliyah

And Papa with all but one of his grandchildren!
(Miss you Asher!)

Happy Father's Day!
Thanks for being such a great Dad!♥

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