Sunday, March 29, 2009

Elli Belly

Elli got some new clothes for her birthday that she LOVES!
Here she is in her "cowgirl" outfit...sporting braids, which is her favorite way to wear her hair. She just needs some cowboy boots and a hat!

This outfit was actually for Christmas. Grandma got the finishing touches put on it! She was so excited to wear it! : ) She and Adie match!

I caught her playing with her horses in the living room, they were going to take a nap she said. She just loves horses! And anything to do with them! She still thinks it would be perfectly ok to have one in the backyard!


Stephanie said...

She is so cute!! :)

Anonymous said...

What an adorable and funny little sweetie Elli is! Seems like yesterday we were visiting you in the hospital to see her! My how time flies!