The annual Blue and Gold banquet was held Feb. 21st. Traditionally it is the time for the Weblos 2 to be honored as they cross the bridge from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. All the other dens are honored too as they achieved their rank badges.
Since the boys are in different dens, we had to separate to eat. Frank and Elli sat with Zach's Bear den.Kaity, Alliyah and I sat with Nathaniel's Tiger Den. Here Nathaniel is holding up one of the placemats Zach made. It has the meaning of the colors for Cub Scouts. "Blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty and the sky above. Gold stands for the warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness."
Each den was recognized and each child individually recognized for their accomplishments. Nathaniel earned his Bobcat and Tiger badges, activity beads and an elective bead.
Zach earned his Bear badge. One of the sections they finished recently was on knife safety. His den leaders gave each of the boys in his den a really nice knife with an eagle on it!