Dance classes started the beginning of September, and all I can say regarding Elli's attitude about it is "what a difference a year makes!" She loves to dance, but last year would cry and cling about going out with her class unless someone (other than her parent) physically took her out there. This year it's all smiles and she runs right out. Aunt Mandy thinks it may be because she knows there's a beautiful costume at the end of the year : )

The first week I didn't know she was to go upstairs for her class and she danced with the first year students. Her cousin, Samuel was there too (in the knight helmet which he believed made him invisible!) This past week she moved upstairs and she told me "I danced beautiful, Mommy!"

As far as Kaity is concerned, she is definitely FLEXIBLE!!!

This year in ballet, she is starting cecchetti...concentrating on technique.

Kaity loves to dance and tumble!